Ovando: Decreased operating costs to realize higher net margin

Ovando: Decreased operating costs to realize higher net margin

Problem: COG’s for non-perishable raw materials were up 10% to industry standards and overtime hours were at an all time high for the company.

Solution: New Manager of Operations was hired from internal talent.  Production schedules were vetted against peak need for the business and adjusted accordingly.   New hours tracking system was put into place and audited through the Controller’s office.   Sales and Event calendars were put in place to do more frontend planning for material sourcing as well as labor needs.   Warehouse was re-organized and inventory management system was put into place to reduce over ordering.

Result: COG’s were reduced by 7% in the first year and overtime hours were significantly reduced resulting in a 25% overall reduction of manufacturing expenses.   Full time staff was given the ability to work more regular hours and part time staffing needs to mitigate last minute planning was reduced by 30% leading to greater overall productivity during normal business hours without any increase in headcount costs.